When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge. -Confucius-

Friday, September 19, 2014

Convert Sinhala Word-Net to Text Files

There are 3 main projects you have to configure before create the word-net flat file system for Sinhala. 1) Sinhala-WordNet-MongoDBToText 2) Sinhala-WordNet-API 3) Sinhala-WordNet-CSS When getting the Sinhala-WordNet-CSS project from the git chose not the master branch the branch but the individual_commits It has 5 projects 1) Sinhala-WordNet-CSS-Common 2) Sinhala-WordNet-CSS-DAL 3) Sinhala-WordNet-CSS-JWNL 4) Sinhala-WordNet-CSS-Model 5)...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Senate Bus problem - Java Solution

Problem : This problem was originally based on the Senate bus at Wellesley College. Riders come to a bus stop and wait for a bus. When the bus arrives, all the waiting riders invoke boardBus, but anyone who arrives while the bus is boarding has to wait for the next bus. The capacity of the bus is 50 people; if there are more than 50 people waiting, some will have to wait for the next bus. When all the waiting riders...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Simple Java Concurrent Program to handle a Thread Pool Using Semaphores

in a program there are multiple resources. And multiple users may be trying to access them at the same time. This will lead to various sort of problems which we have to consider when trying to create that application. That is the basic idea of concurrent process management. So the main objective to protect resources from multiple user access at once. to do that we may need to use locks and semaphores as we learn...